This site hosts two iconic events for graduate students in the College of Biological Science (CBS): The Graduate Student Symposium (GSS) and Careers in Biology (CIB). Please click on the links below to access more information on each event.
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Graduate Student Symposium (GSS)
The GSS showcases graduate student research taking place across the college. Students present their research in the format of their choice (oral presentations or posters) and practice their communication skills in front of a diverse audience from HHNS, MCB, and IB. There is an abstract submission process like in other conferences, and students can sign up to have their presentations judged for the chance to win prizes. This event takes place during an entire day and includes lunch and usually a student social at the end.

Careers in Biology (CIB)
CIB offers graduate students an opportunity to interact with professionals who also have graduate degrees in the biological sciences and who work in various sectors (e.g., government, scicomm, education, research and development, management). Students attend the sessions they’re interested in to learn more about the skills needed for various roles. CIB also features either a series of professional development workshops or student discussions around #AltAc. The different sessions of CIB are usually spread out across two or three days.